
Our expertise spans across the full value chain.

By integ­rat­ing devel­op­ment, construc­tion and operating businesses, we are not only creating additional value for our investors but also mitig­at­ing risks across the entire real estate value chain.

Passion­ate about the relation­ship between our residents and our resid­ences, we aim to redefine exper­i­en­tial living. We source value-add devel­op­ment oppor­tun­it­ies, design them with metic­u­lous attention to detail and employ a unique approach to place-making and innov­a­tion. We then manage them with rigorous project governance.

We utilise system­atic and knowledge based Modern Methods of Construc­tion with the mission to build some of the most envir­on­ment­ally conscious, forward thinking and optimised devel­op­ments in the UK.

Combining our philo­sophy to procure compon­ents directly from world-renowned partners, we undertake rigorous research and devel­op­ment, signi­fic­antly mitig­at­ing delivery risk for our stake­hold­ers.

Engen­der­ing a profound sense of belonging, our London Living resid­ences will be home to a vibrant and diverse community of individu­als. Our platform goes beyond mere manage­ment by actively enhancing the lifestyle of our residents through activ­a­tion, enliven­ment and fostering strong community engage­ment.

Our propri­et­ary operating platform enables us to seamlessly manage the full resident exper­i­ence, from initial enquiries to lifestyle curation.

Alon Junger


A UK and US (New York Bar) solicitor by quali­fic­a­tion and former London based invest­ment banker, Alon is a serial real estate entre­pren­eur. As a major share­holder and managing director of several resid­en­tial and commer­cial real estate platforms in major cities in Germany, Alon special­ises in identi­fy­ing, struc­tur­ing and growing invest­ment oppor­tun­it­ies.

Mario Luca Balducci

Chief Executive Officer

Having qualified as an Architect and a Programme & Project Manage­ment Profes­sional in the UK, Mario is an accom­plished Real Estate leader. Mario has in-depth knowledge of commer­cial, technical, and socio-economic aspects of property devel­op­ment with a proven record of building markets, and business initi­at­ives.

Mario has been behind the delivery of numerous presti­gi­ous projects including Stratford City, home to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Alastair Scott Dalgleish

Construction Director

As a chartered construc­tion profes­sional, Alastair has overseen the construc­tion of over 2,000 high-specific­a­tion homes in London. Special­ising in Modern Methods of Construc­tion Techno­lo­gies, he employs pre-cast concrete and steel frame volumet­ric systems across low and high-rise devel­op­ment projects.

Alastair is dedicated to utilising smart building techno­lo­gies alongside rigorous design and tendering processes. He is also a strong advocate for the Group’s Incident and Injury Free Policy.

Gwen Youlden

Marketing & Sales Director

Gwen has a wealth of exper­i­ence in real estate having been behind many award winning marketing and place­mak­ing campaigns for destin­a­tions across the UK. At London Land Group, Gwen estab­lishes desirable and relevant destin­a­tion brands, creating a sense of belonging for our residents whilst support­ing ambitious object­ives for leasing, sales and retention.

Theo Georgallau

Group Financial Controller

After gradu­at­ing from the Univer­sity of Bath with an economics degree, Theo trained as an auditor and gained valuable exper­i­ence in the student accom­mod­a­tion sector before moving into co-living. His expertise includes high-profile acquis­i­tions and technical group reporting to facil­it­ate strategic decision-making.

Ceren Akin

Architectural & Visual Designer

After quali­fy­ing as an architect in Turkey, Ceren pursued a career in strategic branding, brand exper­i­ence, and identity creation. Her studies at Central St. Martins equipped her with a diverse skill set encom­passing archi­tec­ture, visual design, graphic design, and brand identity. As a dedicated consult­ant designer, Ceren has delivered numerous marketing campaigns that have consist­ently exceeded revenue growth expect­a­tions.

Dan Margott

Acquisition Manager

Dan has an extensive track record of sourcing devel­op­ment oppor­tun­it­ies across London and the South East having collab­or­ated with major organ­isa­tions across a broad range of projects, from large strategic regen­er­a­tion to resid­en­tial devel­op­ments and mixed-use commer­cial schemes. His broad market knowledge enables him to quickly identify value add oppor­tun­it­ies.

Nikolai Udalov

Investment Manager

With a strong background in banking and private equity, Nikolai directed his expertise on the real estate sector. Nikolai has strong M&A execution skills and holistic commer­cial, resid­en­tial, and leisure real estate industry knowledge. Addition­ally, he has extensive project manage­ment skills including cross-functional team manage­ment, research, valuation, due diligence coordin­a­tion, negoti­ations, and execution at the highest standards of quality.

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Sarim Rafique Chaudhry

Investment Manager

Sarim graduated from King’s College London with a BSc in Mathem­at­ics, Finance & Manage­ment and trained in the real estate trans­ac­tions team at Deloitte LLP and the commer­cial finance team at Grainger PLC. He has strong commer­cial & resid­en­tial real estate industry exper­i­ence and extensive project manage­ment skills, including research, financial modelling, debt raising, valuation, due diligence, negoti­ations, and deal execution.

Olivia Burton

Development Manager

With over a decade of exper­i­ence in the UK property construc­tion industry, Olivia has a proven track record of deliv­er­ing complex and diverse devel­op­ment projects. She has success­fully managed large, multi-discip­lin­ary teams through all stages of the project lifecycle. Olivia’s expertise includes strategic planning, logistics, and program­ming, enabling her to maximize project viability and return on invest­ment.

Joe Warde-Aldam

Development Manager

Joe’s academic background in countryside manage­ment and exper­i­ence in resid­en­tial real estate have shaped his career as a devel­op­ment manager. He has success­fully managed large-scale devel­op­ment master­plans, most recently a 5,200- unit devel­op­ment focusing on land, planning, and sustain­able devel­op­ment.

Vaughn Fisher

Commercial Manager

With over 22 years of exper­i­ence in the civil construc­tion industry and built envir­on­ment, Vaughan demon­strates a strong opera­tional and commer­cial background across projects of varying scale. His expertise span resid­en­tial, commer­cial and schooling sectors and civil projects. Vaughan is commer­cially astute and has a proven track record in managing complex contracts to ensure success­ful project outcomes.