
In utilising cutting-edge technology, we are able to consistently deliver our residences on time, on budget and safely to a quality surpassing all expectations.

In response to evolving consumer prefer­ences and an increas­ingly compet­it­ive business envir­on­ment, we continu­ally evaluate our approach to designing and construct­ing our resid­ences. Our goal is to ensure they are well designed, sustain­able, safe, conveni­ent and energy efficient.

To achieve our object­ives, we innovated our Total Concept system and have formed partner­ships with industry leaders who share our commit­ment to excel­lence.

  • By consol­id­at­ing our design and construc­tion expertise into a compre­hens­ive Product Book, we have stand­ard­ised all the essential compon­ents necessary for deliv­er­ing our resid­ences.


    By lever­aging the expertise and collab­or­a­tion of our trusted manufac­tur­ing partners, alongside AI and machine learning techno­logy, we can consist­ently develop and construct our resid­ences with enhanced quality, speed and envir­on­mental awareness whilst reducing ineffi­cien­cies.

  • Using a system­atic approach to Modern Methods of Construc­tion (MMC), our system, Total Concept, combines struc­tural precast concrete solutions digitally designed using BIM Level 3/4 utilising Autodesk Build platform, off-site produc­tion and assembly of modules including volumet­ric bathroom and utility pods, state-of-the-art domestic air source heating and cooling pumps and connected homes techno­logy bringing together high quality and sustain­able compon­ents.


    We see MMC as the future of construc­tion and are committed to adopting innov­at­ive techno­lo­gies and processes to provide a more efficient, consist­ent, cost-effective and sustain­able approach to resid­en­tial devel­op­ment.

  • Our resid­ences seamlessly integrate innov­at­ive techno­lo­gies and connected systems, providing flexible, conveni­ent, and immersive living exper­i­ences.
    In collab­or­a­tion with Samsung, we offer residents the ability to connect and control all their smart devices through a single SmartTh­ings platform access­ible on their phone, tablet, smart­watch, TV, or even fridge. Altern­at­ively, residents can interact with their devices effort­lessly using voice commands through Bixby, Alexa, or Google.


    The demand for connected living is increas­ing, with residents prior­it­ising conveni­ence, person­al­isa­tion and sustain­ab­il­ity. Through our integ­rated systems, we can not only enhance energy efficiency, prior­it­ise safety and promote the well-being of our residents, improving their overall quality of life, but also mitigate construc­tion ineffi­cien­cies

Alon Junger


A UK and US (New York Bar) solicitor by quali­fic­a­tion and former London based invest­ment banker, Alon is a serial real estate entre­pren­eur. As a major share­holder and managing director of several resid­en­tial and commer­cial real estate platforms in major cities in Germany, Alon special­ises in identi­fy­ing, struc­tur­ing and growing invest­ment oppor­tun­it­ies.

Mario Luca Balducci

Chief Executive Officer

Having qualified as an Architect and a Programme & Project Manage­ment Profes­sional in the UK, Mario is an accom­plished Real Estate leader. Mario has in-depth knowledge of commer­cial, technical, and socio-economic aspects of property devel­op­ment with a proven record of building markets, and business initi­at­ives.

Mario has been behind the delivery of numerous presti­gi­ous projects including Stratford City, home to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Gwen Youlden

Marketing & Sales Director

Gwen has a wealth of exper­i­ence in real estate having been behind many award winning marketing and place­mak­ing campaigns for destin­a­tions across the UK. At London Land Group, Gwen estab­lishes desirable and relevant destin­a­tion brands, creating a sense of belonging for our residents whilst support­ing ambitious object­ives for leasing, sales and retention.

Theo Georgallau

Group Financial Controller

After gradu­at­ing from the Univer­sity of Bath with an economics degree, Theo trained as an auditor and gained valuable exper­i­ence in the student accom­mod­a­tion sector before moving into co-living. His expertise includes high-profile acquis­i­tions and technical group reporting to facil­it­ate strategic decision-making.

Ceren Akin

Architectural & Visual Designer

After quali­fy­ing as an architect in Turkey, Ceren pursued a career in strategic branding, brand exper­i­ence, and identity creation. Her studies at Central St. Martins equipped her with a diverse skill set encom­passing archi­tec­ture, visual design, graphic design, and brand identity. As a dedicated consult­ant designer, Ceren has delivered numerous marketing campaigns that have consist­ently exceeded revenue growth expect­a­tions.

Dan Margott

Acquisition Manager

Dan has an extensive track record of sourcing devel­op­ment oppor­tun­it­ies across London and the South East having collab­or­ated with major organ­isa­tions across a broad range of projects, from large strategic regen­er­a­tion to resid­en­tial devel­op­ments and mixed-use commer­cial schemes. His broad market knowledge enables him to quickly identify value add oppor­tun­it­ies.

Jas Shatra

Commercial Director

Jas Shatra is an accom­plished Quantity Surveyor with extensive expertise in managing costs and contracts for large-scale resid­en­tial and commer­cial projects. At London Land Group, Jas oversees project costs through­out the lifecycle, ensuring efficient delivery and alignment with financial aspir­a­tions.

Known for his metic­u­lous project planning, cost analysis, and budget adherence, Jas excels in risk manage­ment, value engin­eer­ing, and stake­holder engage­ment, signi­fic­antly contrib­ut­ing to the success­ful execution and profit­ab­il­ity of high-profile projects.

Jason Larkin

Planning Director

Jason Larkin is a seasoned planning and devel­op­ment profes­sional with extensive exper­i­ence deliv­er­ing high-profile projects across London and the South East.

Jason special­ises in navig­at­ing complex planning processes, including resid­en­tial, mixed-use, and regen­er­a­tion schemes. Having played a pivotal role in the success of landmark projects such as Canary Wharf, Jason’s leader­ship and commer­cial expertise ensure that every devel­op­ment is strategic­ally positioned for success.

Rob Bull

Investment Manager

Rob is a real estate profes­sional with a strong focus on asset manage­ment, financial modelling, and invest­ment analysis. With over a decade of exper­i­ence, Rob has managed high-value funds and assets across resid­en­tial, retail, and commer­cial sectors.

His expertise spans prime London-based devel­op­ments as well as European portfo­lios, ensuring optimised value and strategic growth. At London Land Group, Rob oversees invest­ment strategies and due diligence, driving perform­ance across the portfolio.

Glyn Mutton

Development Manager

Glyn Mutton is a devel­op­ment leader with a proven track record of deliv­er­ing sustain­able and high-quality resid­en­tial projects.

His expertise spans acquis­i­tion, planning, design manage­ment, and project delivery, with a focus on creating excep­tional devel­op­ments that balance strategic vision with practical imple­ment­a­tion. Glyn combines technical knowledge with a passion for place­mak­ing and sustain­ab­il­ity, ensuring projects achieve both financial success and lasting community value.

Paul Mackenzie

Construction Director

Paul Mackenzie is a charis­matic and accom­plished leader in the construc­tion and devel­op­ment sector, with extensive exper­i­ence deliv­er­ing high-value, complex projects across resid­en­tial, retail, and pharma­ceut­ical indus­tries. Paul’s expertise spans deep basement construc­tion, medium- to high-rise buildings, complex infra­struc­ture, and high-end resid­en­tial fit-outs.

Paul excels in managing multidiscip­lin­ary teams and ensuring technical, commer­cial, and opera­tional excel­lence through­out the project lifecycle. His dedic­a­tion to safety, quality, and innov­a­tion ensures that every devel­op­ment is delivered to the highest standards.