London Land Group and Tarkett Collaborate to Elevate Luxury Living Through Flooring That is Good for People and Planet

London Land Group and Tarkett Collaborate to Elevate Luxury Living Through Flooring That is Good for People and Planet

London Land Group has announced a strategic partner­ship with Tarkett, a global leader in innov­at­ive and sustain­able flooring solutions. This collab­or­a­tion will allow London Land Group to enhance luxury living exper­i­ences by integ­rat­ing Tarkett’s premium, sustain­able flooring solutions into their pipeline of resid­en­tial devel­op­ments.

With a legacy spanning over a century, Tarkett is renowned for its unwaver­ing commit­ment to sustain­ab­il­ity, innov­a­tion, and design excel­lence. Operating in more than 100 countries, Tarkett offers a diverse range of flooring solutions tailored to meet the highest standards of function­al­ity and aesthet­ics. Tarkett is committed to a circular economy that creates value for everyone, closing the loop on waste, preserving natural resources and reducing their impact on climate change.

London Land Group CEO, Mario Luca Balducci, expressed excite­ment about the partner­ship, stating, “At London Land Group, we are dedicated to redefin­ing luxury living through metic­u­lous attention to detail and excep­tional products. Tarkett’s strong emphasis on sustain­ab­il­ity aligns perfectly with our values and vision of creating envir­on­ment­ally conscious living spaces and we’re thrilled to be able to offer quality flooring products for our residents that are also fully recyc­lable.”

Ross Dight, Tarkett’s Technical and Sustain­ab­il­ity Director, emphas­ised the pivotal role of sustain­ab­il­ity in the partner­ship, saying, “Partner­ing with London Land Group presents an exciting oppor­tun­ity to showcase Tarkett’s premium flooring solutions in presti­gi­ous resid­en­tial devel­op­ments. Our commit­ment to providing quality and durable products whilst also maxim­ising the recycled content in all our products and prior­it­ising end-of-life recycling is ingrained in everything we do. We are thrilled to collab­or­ate with London Land Group to create envir­on­ment­ally conscious living envir­on­ments.”

The core focus of this collab­or­a­tion will be the integ­ra­tion of Tarkett’s flooring solutions into London Land Group’s resid­en­tial devel­op­ments, beginning with The Water­front Poole. Renowned for their superior quality, sustain­ab­il­ity and aesthetic appeal, Tarkett’s flooring solutions will elevate the ambiance and function­al­ity of every space whilst preserving natural resources, reducing waste and the carbon footprint of the project.

This partner­ship under­scores London Land Group’s commit­ment to excel­lence, innov­a­tion, and envir­on­mental steward­ship in resid­en­tial devel­op­ment. It follows the company’s recent initi­at­ives to collab­or­ate with industry leaders and incor­por­ate cutting-edge techno­lo­gies to enhance the living exper­i­ence for its residents.

Both London Land Group and Tarkett are excited about the oppor­tun­it­ies this partner­ship brings and look forward to setting new bench­marks for luxury living in resid­en­tial devel­op­ments, all while prior­it­ising sustain­ab­il­ity and envir­on­mental respons­ib­il­ity.

1920 1280 Gwen Youlden

Alon Junger


A UK and US (New York Bar) solicitor by quali­fic­a­tion and former London based invest­ment banker, Alon is a serial real estate entre­pren­eur. As a major share­holder and managing director of several resid­en­tial and commer­cial real estate platforms in major cities in Germany, Alon special­ises in identi­fy­ing, struc­tur­ing and growing invest­ment oppor­tun­it­ies.

Mario Luca Balducci

Chief Executive Officer

Having qualified as an Architect and a Programme & Project Manage­ment Profes­sional in the UK, Mario is an accom­plished Real Estate leader. Mario has in-depth knowledge of commer­cial, technical, and socio-economic aspects of property devel­op­ment with a proven record of building markets, and business initi­at­ives.

Mario has been behind the delivery of numerous presti­gi­ous projects including Stratford City, home to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Gwen Youlden

Marketing & Sales Director

Gwen has a wealth of exper­i­ence in real estate having been behind many award winning marketing and place­mak­ing campaigns for destin­a­tions across the UK. At London Land Group, Gwen estab­lishes desirable and relevant destin­a­tion brands, creating a sense of belonging for our residents whilst support­ing ambitious object­ives for leasing, sales and retention.

Theo Georgallau

Group Financial Controller

After gradu­at­ing from the Univer­sity of Bath with an economics degree, Theo trained as an auditor and gained valuable exper­i­ence in the student accom­mod­a­tion sector before moving into co-living. His expertise includes high-profile acquis­i­tions and technical group reporting to facil­it­ate strategic decision-making.

Ceren Akin

Architectural & Visual Designer

After quali­fy­ing as an architect in Turkey, Ceren pursued a career in strategic branding, brand exper­i­ence, and identity creation. Her studies at Central St. Martins equipped her with a diverse skill set encom­passing archi­tec­ture, visual design, graphic design, and brand identity. As a dedicated consult­ant designer, Ceren has delivered numerous marketing campaigns that have consist­ently exceeded revenue growth expect­a­tions.

Dan Margott

Acquisition Manager

Dan has an extensive track record of sourcing devel­op­ment oppor­tun­it­ies across London and the South East having collab­or­ated with major organ­isa­tions across a broad range of projects, from large strategic regen­er­a­tion to resid­en­tial devel­op­ments and mixed-use commer­cial schemes. His broad market knowledge enables him to quickly identify value add oppor­tun­it­ies.

Jas Shatra

Commercial Director

Jas Shatra is an accom­plished Quantity Surveyor with extensive expertise in managing costs and contracts for large-scale resid­en­tial and commer­cial projects. At London Land Group, Jas oversees project costs through­out the lifecycle, ensuring efficient delivery and alignment with financial aspir­a­tions.

Known for his metic­u­lous project planning, cost analysis, and budget adherence, Jas excels in risk manage­ment, value engin­eer­ing, and stake­holder engage­ment, signi­fic­antly contrib­ut­ing to the success­ful execution and profit­ab­il­ity of high-profile projects.

Jason Larkin

Planning Director

Jason Larkin is a seasoned planning and devel­op­ment profes­sional with extensive exper­i­ence deliv­er­ing high-profile projects across London and the South East.

Jason special­ises in navig­at­ing complex planning processes, including resid­en­tial, mixed-use, and regen­er­a­tion schemes. Having played a pivotal role in the success of landmark projects such as Canary Wharf, Jason’s leader­ship and commer­cial expertise ensure that every devel­op­ment is strategic­ally positioned for success.

Rob Bull

Investment Manager

Rob is a real estate profes­sional with a strong focus on asset manage­ment, financial modelling, and invest­ment analysis. With over a decade of exper­i­ence, Rob has managed high-value funds and assets across resid­en­tial, retail, and commer­cial sectors.

His expertise spans prime London-based devel­op­ments as well as European portfo­lios, ensuring optimised value and strategic growth. At London Land Group, Rob oversees invest­ment strategies and due diligence, driving perform­ance across the portfolio.

Glyn Mutton

Development Manager

Glyn Mutton is a devel­op­ment leader with a proven track record of deliv­er­ing sustain­able and high-quality resid­en­tial projects.

His expertise spans acquis­i­tion, planning, design manage­ment, and project delivery, with a focus on creating excep­tional devel­op­ments that balance strategic vision with practical imple­ment­a­tion. Glyn combines technical knowledge with a passion for place­mak­ing and sustain­ab­il­ity, ensuring projects achieve both financial success and lasting community value.

Paul Mackenzie

Construction Director

Paul Mackenzie is a charis­matic and accom­plished leader in the construc­tion and devel­op­ment sector, with extensive exper­i­ence deliv­er­ing high-value, complex projects across resid­en­tial, retail, and pharma­ceut­ical indus­tries. Paul’s expertise spans deep basement construc­tion, medium- to high-rise buildings, complex infra­struc­ture, and high-end resid­en­tial fit-outs.

Paul excels in managing multidiscip­lin­ary teams and ensuring technical, commer­cial, and opera­tional excel­lence through­out the project lifecycle. His dedic­a­tion to safety, quality, and innov­a­tion ensures that every devel­op­ment is delivered to the highest standards.