London Land Group Celebrate Milestone Achievement in Construction of The Waterfront Residential Development

London Land Group Celebrate Milestone Achievement in Construction of The Waterfront Residential Development

London Land Group, developers of The Water­front resid­en­tial devel­op­ment celeb­rated reaching a key milestone in its construc­tion journey as the first pre-cast panel was expertly lowered onto the site. This signi­fic­ant event repres­ents the next phase in the devel­op­ment’s progress, as the project gains momentum at speed due to its use of modern methods of construc­tion which assist the Group in achieving industry leading standards in quality, speed, safety and efficiency.

The transfer deck for the two water facing houses, Distel and Estar, was completed on October 20, with construc­tion partner, Creagh, now on-site with London Land Group installing the pre-cast concrete façade panels. With this achieve­ment, the construc­tion of the blocks will accel­er­ate, aiming to complete one floor every 1-2 weeks.

London Land Group are committed to deliv­er­ing The Water­front using Modern Methods of Construc­tion which leverages techno­logy and stream­lined processes to produce building modules off-site, which are then assembled on-site, contrib­ut­ing to signi­fic­ant reduc­tions in carbon emissions and waste whilst also deliv­er­ing efficiency improve­ments.

Mario Luca Balducci, CEO of London Land Group said, “We are thrilled to be marking this milestone and celeb­rat­ing the spirit of collab­or­a­tion that has brought us to this point. Our partners including Benchmark Archi­tects, BTP, Creagh, Engen­eeria, Woodmace, Rentec and Reynaers alongside our project team have been instru­mental in trans­form­ing our vision for The Water­front into reality and we are now much closer to offering our residents a vibrant, water­front lifestyle that embraces quality, conveni­ence and innov­a­tion.”

Work started on the 291 apartment devel­op­ment in September 2022 and the devel­op­ment is on track to welcome residents from Q3 2024.

1200 675 Gwen Youlden

Alon Junger


A UK and US (New York Bar) solicitor by quali­fic­a­tion and former London based invest­ment banker, Alon is a serial real estate entre­pren­eur. As a major share­holder and managing director of several resid­en­tial and commer­cial real estate platforms in major cities in Germany, Alon special­ises in identi­fy­ing, struc­tur­ing and growing invest­ment oppor­tun­it­ies.

Mario Luca Balducci

Chief Executive Officer

Having qualified as an Architect and a Programme & Project Manage­ment Profes­sional in the UK, Mario is an accom­plished Real Estate leader. Mario has in-depth knowledge of commer­cial, technical, and socio-economic aspects of property devel­op­ment with a proven record of building markets, and business initi­at­ives.

Mario has been behind the delivery of numerous presti­gi­ous projects including Stratford City, home to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

David Newey

Construction Director

David Newey is an accom­plished director in the property sector with extensive exper­i­ence managing large London devel­op­ments from planning to post-handover. At London Land Group, David ensures projects are delivered on time and within budget, lever­aging his strategic problem-solving skills to add signi­fic­ant value to the company’s portfolio.

His hands-on technical expertise and leader­ship abilities drive success­ful project outcomes, effect­ively coordin­at­ing teams and stake­hold­ers through­out the devel­op­ment cycle.

Gwen Youlden

Marketing & Sales Director

Gwen has a wealth of exper­i­ence in real estate having been behind many award winning marketing and place­mak­ing campaigns for destin­a­tions across the UK. At London Land Group, Gwen estab­lishes desirable and relevant destin­a­tion brands, creating a sense of belonging for our residents whilst support­ing ambitious object­ives for leasing, sales and retention.

Theo Georgallau

Group Financial Controller

After gradu­at­ing from the Univer­sity of Bath with an economics degree, Theo trained as an auditor and gained valuable exper­i­ence in the student accom­mod­a­tion sector before moving into co-living. His expertise includes high-profile acquis­i­tions and technical group reporting to facil­it­ate strategic decision-making.

Ceren Akin

Architectural & Visual Designer

After quali­fy­ing as an architect in Turkey, Ceren pursued a career in strategic branding, brand exper­i­ence, and identity creation. Her studies at Central St. Martins equipped her with a diverse skill set encom­passing archi­tec­ture, visual design, graphic design, and brand identity. As a dedicated consult­ant designer, Ceren has delivered numerous marketing campaigns that have consist­ently exceeded revenue growth expect­a­tions.

Dan Margott

Acquisition Manager

Dan has an extensive track record of sourcing devel­op­ment oppor­tun­it­ies across London and the South East having collab­or­ated with major organ­isa­tions across a broad range of projects, from large strategic regen­er­a­tion to resid­en­tial devel­op­ments and mixed-use commer­cial schemes. His broad market knowledge enables him to quickly identify value add oppor­tun­it­ies.

Nikolai Udalov

Investment Manager

With a strong background in banking and private equity, Nikolai directed his expertise on the real estate sector. Nikolai has strong M&A execution skills and holistic commer­cial, resid­en­tial, and leisure real estate industry knowledge. Addition­ally, he has extensive project manage­ment skills including cross-functional team manage­ment, research, valuation, due diligence coordin­a­tion, negoti­ations, and execution at the highest standards of quality.

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Sarim Rafique Chaudhry

Investment Manager

Sarim graduated from King’s College London with a BSc in Mathem­at­ics, Finance & Manage­ment and trained in the real estate trans­ac­tions team at Deloitte LLP and the commer­cial finance team at Grainger PLC. He has strong commer­cial & resid­en­tial real estate industry exper­i­ence and extensive project manage­ment skills, including research, financial modelling, debt raising, valuation, due diligence, negoti­ations, and deal execution.

Olivia Burton

Development Manager

With over a decade of exper­i­ence in the UK property construc­tion industry, Olivia has a proven track record of deliv­er­ing complex and diverse devel­op­ment projects. She has success­fully managed large, multi-discip­lin­ary teams through all stages of the project lifecycle. Olivia’s expertise includes strategic planning, logistics, and program­ming, enabling her to maximize project viability and return on invest­ment.

Joe Warde-Aldam

Development Manager

Joe’s academic background in countryside manage­ment and exper­i­ence in resid­en­tial real estate have shaped his career as a devel­op­ment manager. He has success­fully managed large-scale devel­op­ment master­plans, most recently a 5,200- unit devel­op­ment focusing on land, planning, and sustain­able devel­op­ment.

David Newey

Construction Director

David Newey is an accom­plished director in the property sector with extensive exper­i­ence managing large London devel­op­ments from planning to post-handover. At London Land Group, David ensures projects are delivered on time and within budget, lever­aging his strategic problem-solving skills to add signi­fic­ant value to the company’s portfolio.

His hands-on technical expertise and leader­ship abilities drive success­ful project outcomes, effect­ively coordin­at­ing teams and stake­hold­ers through­out the devel­op­ment cycle.

Jas Shatra

Commercial Director

Jas Shatra is an accom­plished Quantity Surveyor with extensive expertise in managing costs and contracts for large-scale resid­en­tial and commer­cial projects. At London Land Group, Jas oversees project costs through­out the lifecycle, ensuring efficient delivery and alignment with financial aspir­a­tions.

Known for his metic­u­lous project planning, cost analysis, and budget adherence, Jas excels in risk manage­ment, value engin­eer­ing, and stake­holder engage­ment, signi­fic­antly contrib­ut­ing to the success­ful execution and profit­ab­il­ity of high-profile projects.